Intersecting lines - Explanations & Examples (2024)

Intersecting lines - Explanations & Examples (1)Now that you’re taking geometry or precalculus classes, you’ll be bumping into the concepts of intersecting lines multiple times. This is why we need to understand the concepts related to intersecting lines.

For now, let’s dive into a quick definition of intersecting lines:

Intersecting lines are lines that meet each other at one point.

It’s amazing how a simple definition can lead us to know important properties about linear equations’ angles and systems. This article will help us understand the definition, properties, and applications of intersecting lines.

Intersecting lines definition

Intersecting lines are two or more lines that are coplanar to each other and meet at a common point.

Intersecting lines - Explanations & Examples (2)

The three pairs of lines shown above are examples of intersecting lines. See how each pair intersects at Point $\boldsymbol{O}$? We call this the point of intersection. Line segments can also intersect and have a point of intersection.

Keep in mind that three or more lines can share more than one point of intersection.

Intersecting lines - Explanations & Examples (3)

Lines $\overline{WX}$,$\overline{YZ}$, and $\overline{UV}$ intersect each other, and as can be seen, there are three points of intersection shared by the lines.

  • Lines $\overline{WX}$ and $\overline{UV}$intersect at Point $\boldsymbol{O}$.
  • Lines $\overline{YZ}$and $\overline{UV}$intersect at Point $\boldsymbol{N}$.
  • Lines $\overline{WX}$and $\overline{YZ}$intersect at Point $\boldsymbol{M}$.

The angles formed by these intersecting lines (and line segments) have interesting properties that we’ll soon learn in the next few sections.

What are some real-world examples of intersecting lines?

One way to test our understanding of intersecting lines’ definition is to think of real-world examples representing intersecting lines. Can you think of any? Here are three that can help you list down more examples:

  • Our scissors are great examples of objects that are intersecting each other and sharing a common point.
  • Crossroads also represent intersecting lines as well since they meet at intersecting points.
  • The lines of floors intersect each other as well and share points of intersection.

How do we use intersecting lines in coordinate geometry?

Want to learn what it means when two lines or curves intersect in coordinate geometry? Below are just some of the properties that we’ll learn about intersecting lines on an xy-coordinate system.

  • When two graphs of two functions intersect each other, the intersection point represents the solution when both functions are equated to each other.
  • This also means that when two lines or graphs intersection, then their equation will have a solution.
  • Lines that intersect with the $x$ and $y$-axis contain point/s of intersection, and these represent the graph’s $x$ and $y$-intercepts, respectively.

We’ll learn more about all these essentials concepts when we dive deeper into functions and solve functions by using graphs.

For now, let’s observe the properties shared by angles found at the point of intersection. In the next sections, we’ll also learn how to apply them in solving word problems that involve angles and intersecting lines.

Properties of the angles formed by intersecting lines

When two or more lines intersect, they form different angles at the point of intersection.

Intersecting lines - Explanations & Examples (4)

Lines $\overline{AB}$ and $\overline{CD}$, for example, meet at Point $\boldsymbol{O}$. They also form four angles at the point of intersection: $\angle COA$, $\angle COB$, $\angle BOD$, and $\angle AOD$.

Have you also noticed two pairs of vertical angles? If you need a refresher on what vertical angles are, you can check out this article we wrote before on vertical angles. For the case of the two intersecting lines shown above, we have the following vertical angles:

  • $\angle COA$ and$\angle BOD$
  • $\angle COB$ and $\angle AOD$

The properties of vertical and linear angles still apply to the angles formed by two intersecting lines.

What happens with the angles when a third line intersects the two intersecting lines in the middle?

Intersecting lines - Explanations & Examples (5)

The same properties apply, and by the angle addition postulate, the angle intersected by the third intersecting line will create two angles that will add up to the measure of the intersected angle.

  • This means that the sum of $\boldsymbol{\angle SOW}$ and $\boldsymbol{\angle WOU}$ is equal to $\boldsymbol{\angle SOU}$.
  • Similarly, $\boldsymbol{\angle VOX + \angle XOT = \angle VOT}$.

Want to test these concepts out? You can try constructing four intersecting lines and test out how the angles behave.

Now that we’ve learned about intersecting lines’ definitions and properties, it’s time for us to work on some questions to check our knowledge.

Example 1

Complete the following statements with either sometimes, never, and always.

  1. Parallel lines can ____________ be intersecting lines.
  2. Perpendicular lines can ____________ be intersecting lines.
  3. The hands of a clock can ____________ represent two intersecting lines.
  4. Intersecting lines will ______________ have more than one point of intersection.


When working with questions like this, it’s always helpful to go back to defining the terms that are involved.

  • Parallel lines are lines that will never meet, so they will never.
  • Perpendicular lines, on the other hand, form 90° together, so they will always.
  • The hands of a clock intersect at a common point will always represent two intersecting lines.
  • For three or more intersecting lines, they may sometimes share two or more intersecting points.

Example 2

Which of the following statements is not true?

  1. Three intersecting lines can share a common point of intersection.
  2. Two intersecting lines form two pairs of vertical angles.
  3. Two intersecting lines form four pairs of vertical angles.
  4. Three intersecting lines can never share four common points of intersection.


Let’s go ahead and look into each of the given statements.

  • It is possible for three intersecting lines to only intersect at one common point, so the statement is true.
  • When two lines intersect, they form four angles. Each pair of angles opposite each other are vertical angles, so this statement is true.
  • Two intersecting lines form four angles and two pairs of vertical angles only. This statement is false.
  • The maximum number of intersecting points present between the three intersecting lines is three, so it’s impossible to have four common points. Hence, the fourth statement is true.

Example 3Intersecting lines - Explanations & Examples (6)

Construct a line that will intersect Line $\overline{AB}$. Label the line and intersection point, then name four angles formed by the two intersecting lines.


Construct a second line that intersects Line $\overline{AB}$. Below are three pairs of intersecting lines to guide you in creating your own pair of intersecting lines.

Intersecting lines - Explanations & Examples (7)

In the three examples, we named the intersecting line $\overline{CD}$ and the point of intersection Point $O$. Your solution may look different from the ones shown above, but no worries, they are all good as long as the two lines intersect.

The four angles formed for the intersecting lines are $\angle AOC$, $\angle AOD$, $\angle COB$, and $\angle BOD$.If you labeled your lines differently, you’d have a different answer than what we’ve shown.

How do you know if your answer is correct? Check if the names of all the angles have the same letter in the middle.

Example 4

It will be impossible to create four intersecting lines that only share one point of intersection.

Prove the statement wrong by constructing a counterexample.


Construct four intersecting lines where all meet at one common point.

Intersecting lines - Explanations & Examples (8)

The example above is one possible counterexample for the statement. Feel free to construct your own to show that the statement is not true.

Use the image shown below to answer questions 5 – 7.

Intersecting lines - Explanations & Examples (9)

Example 5

Name two pairs of intersecting lines and their corresponding points of intersection.


Here are some pairs of lines that you may discover from the image, and we’ve included their points of intersection.

  • Lines $\overline{RS}$ and $\overline{TU}$ intersecting at Point $\boldsymbol{A}$.
  • Lines $\overline{PQ}$ and $\overline{VW}$ intersecting at Point $\boldsymbol{D}$.
  • Lines $\overline{PQ}$ and $\overline{TU}$ intersecting at Point $\boldsymbol{B}$.
  • Lines $\overline{PQ}$ and $\overline{RS}$ intersecting at Point $\boldsymbol{E}$.
  • Lines $\overline{VW}$ and $\overline{RS}$ intersecting at Point $\boldsymbol{C}$.

Were you able to find two pairs from the list we have? Try to locate the remaining three to help you master this concept!

Example 6

Name three line segments that share a common point of intersection.


Remember that line segments can also intersect. Here are two examples of three line segments sharing a common intersection point.

  • Line segments $\overline{AC}$, $\overline{DC}$, and $\overline{EC}$ intersecting at Point $\boldsymbol{C}$.
  • Line segments $\overline{BD}$, $\overline{CD}$, and $\overline{ED}$ intersecting at Point $\boldsymbol{D}$.

When dealing with problems like this, start by finding three line segments within the intersecting lines. Make sure that they share a common intersecting point.

Example 7

What are the two intersecting lines that form $\angle UAS$ and $\angle RAT$? If $\angle UAS$ is equal to $68^{\circ}$, what would the value of $\angle RAT$ be?


A trick to remember is that the two vertical angles formed by a pair of intersecting lines will meet at their common point of intersection. This means that the angles’ intersection is found at Point $\boldsymbol{A}$.

This will help you find the two lines that intersect at Point $\boldsymbol{A}$. Hence, we have lines $\overline{RS}$ and $\overline{TU}$.

Since vertical angles will always be equal, by definition, $\angle UAS = \angle RAT = 68^{\circ}$.

Example 8

Lines $\overline{AD}$ and $\overline{BC}$ are two intersecting lines that meet at Point $\overline{O}$.

  1. What are the four angles formed by the intersecting lines?
  2. List down two pairs of vertical angles formed by the two vertical lines?
  3. If $\angle AOC = (2x + 10)^{\circ}$ and $\angle BOD = (3x – 40)^{\circ}$, what is the angle measure of $\angle BOA$?


Construct the two intersecting lines with $\boldsymbol{O}$ as its point of intersection.

Intersecting lines - Explanations & Examples (10)

You can see four angles formed at the point of intersection. These angles are: $\angle AOC$, $\angle BOD$, $\angle AOB$, and $\angle COD$.

Observe the two pairs of vertical angles – each pair facing opposite each other.

This means that the two pairs of vertical angles are:

  • $\angle AOC$ and $\angle BOD$
  • $\angle AOB$ and $\angle COD$

Since $\angle AOC$ and $\angle BOD$ are vertical angles, their angle measures are equal. We can equate both expressions to solve for $x$.

$\begin{aligned} 2x + 10 &= 3x – 40\\ -x &= -50\\ x &= 50\end{aligned}$

Let’s now find the measure of $\angle AOC = 2(50) + 10 = 110^{\circ}$. Since we’re being asked to find $\angle BOA$, we can subtract the value of $\angle AOC$from $180 ^{\circ}$. Hence, $\angle BOA = 70^{\circ}$.

When working with intersecting lines and word problems involving them, always go back to its fundamental definition and properties. Try out some more practice problems below to further harness your knowledge on intersecting lines.

Intersecting lines - Explanations & Examples (2024)


What is the explanation of intersecting line? ›

Lines and line segments are considered intersecting lines when they cross each other at one single point. The point where lines intersect is termed the point of intersection. Lines can intersect each other at any angle between 0 and 180 degrees, forming a shape similar to the letter"X".

What is the answer to intersecting lines? ›

Intersecting Lines share a common point called the point of intersection. They create four angles at the point of intersection. Intersecting lines can meet at any angle, from 0° to 180°, and they can only meet at one common point. No two straight lines can meet at more than one point.

What are three examples of intersecting lines? ›

Crossroads: When two straight roads meet at a common point they form intersecting lines. Scissors: A pair of scissors has two arms and both the arms form intersecting lines. Two examples of non-intersecting lines are listed below: Ruler (scale): The opposite sides of a ruler are non-intersecting lines.

What are intersecting lines 4th grade? ›

Two or more lines that meet at a point are intersecting lines. If the lines intersect at right angles, they are called perpendicular lines. Parallel lines are lines in a plane which do not meet; that is, two lines in a plane that do not intersect or touch each other.

What are the rules for intersecting lines? ›

Intersecting lines meet at a common point called the point of intersection. At the point of intersection, intersecting lines create four angles: two pairs of opposite angles and two pairs of adjacent angles. Opposite angles formed by intersecting lines are congruent, meaning they have equal measures.

How to know if two lines intersect? ›

Intersection of two lines is a point at which both lines meet. When two lines share a common point, they are called intersecting lines. This common point that exists on all intersecting lines is called the point of intersection.

How do you work out intersecting lines? ›

To find the point of intersection algebraically, solve each equation for y, set the two expressions for y equal to each other, solve for x, and plug the value of x into either of the original equations to find the corresponding y-value. The values of x and y are the x- and y-values of the point of intersection.

What is the point of intersection of lines? ›

The point of intersection is the meeting point of two straight lines. If two crossing straight lines have the same equations, the intersection point can be found by solving both equations at the same time.

What are lines that will never meet? ›

Parallel lines are lines that never intersect, and they form the same angle when they cross another line. Perpendicular lines intersect at a 90-degree angle, forming a square corner. We can identify these lines using angles and symbols in diagrams.

What are real life examples of intersecting lines? ›

The following are two examples of intersecting lines:

Crossroads are formed when two straight roads intersect at a common point. Scissors: A pair of scissors has two arms that form intersecting lines.

What are examples of intersecting lines in classrooms? ›

Three examples of intersecting lines are: 1. Two adjacent edges of notebook 2. The letter X of english alphabet 3. Crossing roads.
  • Two adjacent edges of notebook.
  • The letter X of english alphabet.
  • Crossing roads. Was this answer helpful?
Jan 9, 2020

What is the point where two lines meet called? ›

Answer: The point of intersection. Learn more: When two or more lines cross each other in a plane, they are called intersecting lines. The intersecting lines share a common point, which exists on all the intersecting lines, and is called the point of intersection.

What is the symbol for intersecting lines? ›

For intersecting lines, there is no symbol that is used.

Can intersecting lines be curved? ›

Two intersecting lines meet once at any point, and it does not matter at what angle they meet. If the lines are meeting at more than one intersecting point, they cannot be straight lines, and at least one of them is a curve.

What is an example of an intersection in math? ›

For any two sets A and B, the intersection, A ∩ B (read as A intersection B) lists all the elements that are present in both sets (common elements of A and B). For example, if Set A = {1,2,3,4,5} and Set B = {3,4,6,8}, A ∩ B = {3,4}. Let us earn more about the properties of the intersection of sets along with examples.

What describes the intersection of two lines? ›

When two or more lines cross each other in a plane, they are called intersecting lines. The intersecting lines share a common point, which exists on all the intersecting lines, and is called the point of intersection. Here, lines P and Q intersect at point O, which is the point of intersection.

What is the point of intersecting lines? ›

In mathematics, we call the place where two lines or curves meet their point of intersection. The point of intersection of two curves is significant in that it is the point where the two curves take on the same value.

What does intersect mean in math? ›

What does intersection mean in math? Intersection means where two objects meet. For two geometric objects, this is where the objects cross each other on a graph. For sets, intersection means all the objects common to both sets.

What is the definition of intersecting lines in math is fun? ›

Geometry: Where lines cross over (where they have a common point). The red and blue lines have an intersection. Sets: only the elements that are in both sets. See: Intersection (sets) Parallel Lines, and Pairs of Angles.


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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.