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fx-CG50 / Graph 90+E add-ins compatibility list
de critor » 06 Avr 2017, 23:14
Most 3rd party add-ins released for the fx-CG10/20 don't work on the new fx-CG50 / Graph 90+E.
- Broken - completely unusable because of major anomalies :
- Just produce a white screen :
- 3DCheckers
- Bust-A-Move
- Checkers
- ChipEmu
- Cookies
- Falldown
FlappyBirdObliterate- NyanCat
- PrizmCity
- Raptor
- Simon
- Sink
- Sonic
- SpaceInvaders
- ZombieChase
- Produce a white screen and freeze (or requires a specific key to quit - but as nothing is displayed you still have to reset...)
- Fxterm
- Metroid
- Produce a text-only display - graphics are missing :
- 2048
- Chess
- ConnectFour
- Graph3DP
- Minesweeper2
- Othello
- Paint
- Periodic
- PJumpingCube
- Pokemon
- Pong
- Senet
Sudoku SolverTetrizm- TicTacToe
- Other major anomalies :
- CGDoom : crash with the repository version, error about being unable to open doom.wad with the TI-Planet version
- Mandelbrot : garbage on screen
- OpenJazz : VRAM error message
- Snake : no display
- Just produce a white screen :
- Usable with some more minor anomalies :
CubeField : graphics ok, but text missing on popups- GravityDuck : graphics ok, but text missing on buttons
Prizoop : random freezes on some specific game statesPtune2- Eigenmath : graphic glitches when using the SHIFT+MENU menu
ImageViewer : graphic glitches in the file browser
It seems we've got work...
Untested :
- CGplayer
- mpegtest
- Pover
Working :
- 15Game
- Catylizm
- Cubefield (fixed)
- Démineur (MineSweeper, WinXP-like version)
- FlappyBird (fixed)
- Flourish
- G-Clock
- ImageViewer (fixed)
- Insight
- Luazm
- Lock
- Noteview
- Pi
- PrizmLife
- Prizoom (fixed)
Ptune2Ptune3- Sudoky Solver
- Tetrizm (fixed)
- Utilities
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de parrotgeek1 » 06 Avr 2017, 23:35
Dernière édition par parrotgeek1 le 10 Mar 2018, 00:21, édité 2 fois.
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Re: fx-CG50 / Graph 90+E add-ins compatibility list
de tswilliamson » 07 Avr 2017, 04:30
I am changing how the file I/O works while playing the emulator and disabling the overclocking. Hopefully this will fix Prizoop.
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- Inscription: 04 Avr 2017, 16:36
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Re: fx-CG50 / Graph 90+E add-ins compatibility list
de critor » 07 Avr 2017, 16:53
parrotgeek1 a écrit:test version of 3dcheckers patch vram to 0xAC000000
Doesn't work, sorry.
I get the busy pointer for a second, and then I'm back to the main menu.
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Re: fx-CG50 / Graph 90+E add-ins compatibility list
de parrotgeek1 » 07 Avr 2017, 18:21
Dernière édition par parrotgeek1 le 07 Jan 2021, 18:03, édité 1 fois.
Niveau 11: LV (Légende Vivante)Prochain niv.: 88.2%
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- Inscription: 29 Mar 2016, 01:22
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Re: fx-CG50 / Graph 90+E add-ins compatibility list
de critor » 08 Avr 2017, 10:52
I'd gladly help.
So, I tried to install the PrizmSDK :
http://prizm.cemetech.net/index.php/Pri ... etup_Guide
The example project does build, but none of the above projects (for the very few ones which include the source code) does.
I had strange cygwin errors, so I did just overwrite cygwin1.dll with the one used for my Nspire-Ndless SDK install.
The cygwin errors seems to be gone, but I still have errors while building projects.
Most of them are complaining about missing common\crt0.o or common\prizm.ld files, and having no rule to build them.
What's happening ?...
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- Inscription: 25 Oct 2008, 00:00
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Re: fx-CG50 / Graph 90+E add-ins compatibility list
de parrotgeek1 » 08 Avr 2017, 17:53
critor a écrit:I'd gladly help.
So, I tried to install the PrizmSDK :http://prizm.cemetech.net/index.php/Pri ... etup_Guide
The example project does build, but none of the above projects (for the very few ones which include the source code) does.
I had strange cygwin errors, so I did just overwrite cygwin1.dll with the one used for my Nspire-Ndless SDK install.
The cygwin errors seems to be gone, but I still have errors while building projects.
Most of them are complaining about missing common\crt0.o or common\prizm.ld files, and having no rule to build them.What's happening ?...
Make sure there aren't spaces in the path to the project?
I figured 3d checkers wouldn't work. I literally just patched every value of A8000000 to ac000000
Niveau 11: LV (Légende Vivante)Prochain niv.: 88.2%
- Messages: 748
- Inscription: 29 Mar 2016, 01:22
- Localisation: This account is no longer used.
- Genre:
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Re: fx-CG50 / Graph 90+E add-ins compatibility list
de critor » 09 Avr 2017, 18:17
Nemhardy from Planete Casio made a quick fix for Cubefield, attached.
- (43.15 Kio) Téléchargé 591 fois
It's just a test-build, so the menu icons are missing.
But it now has the missing text on the Graph 90+E / fx-CG50, and the same file also works on the fx-CG20 !
Niveau 19: CU (Créateur Universel)Prochain niv.: 50%
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- Inscription: 25 Oct 2008, 00:00
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Re: fx-CG50 / Graph 90+E add-ins compatibility list
de critor » 09 Avr 2017, 22:06
New Cubefield version compatible with all models (fx-CG10 + fx-CG20 + fx-CG50 + Graph 90+E) is now online :
Thanks to Nemhardy !
Niveau 19: CU (Créateur Universel)Prochain niv.: 50%
- Messages: 42115
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- Inscription: 25 Oct 2008, 00:00
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Re: fx-CG50 / Graph 90+E add-ins compatibility list
de parrotgeek1 » 09 Avr 2017, 22:09
Dernière édition par parrotgeek1 le 07 Jan 2021, 18:04, édité 2 fois.
Niveau 11: LV (Légende Vivante)Prochain niv.: 88.2%
- Messages: 748
- Inscription: 29 Mar 2016, 01:22
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